Showing posts with label watercolours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watercolours. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Great Wave

Year 4 have created artworks in the style of Hokusai's "The Great Wave."
The students drew the wave with black markers, then used blue watercolour paints (Cool colours) to the water.

Next the students painted their sky, mountain and any boats using orange and brown watercolours (warm colours).
Finally, Year 4 used white acrylic paint to paint foam and sea spray.
As a challenge activity when finished, some students signed their name in Japanese in the top left corner.
They look absolutely fantastic! Well done Year 4!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Underwater Self-Portraits

In the beginning of Term 4, Year 2 participate in a 2 week Swimming Program. Back at school, they were very excited to share their swimming experiences. So fitting in with their recent experiences, Year 2 drew Underwater Self-portraits. 
The idea was also inspired by another popular art blog, useyourcolouredpencils.
To begin, Year 2 looked at pictures of people swimming and discussed what physical changes happen underwater, For example, our hair goes wavy, our cheeks get puffy, we open our eyes wider to see.
Students used mirrors to assist in sketching their "underwater faces" and included items such as goggles, flippers and rash vests in their drawing.
After this, year 2 used oil pastels to colour their self-portraits and added ripples in the background with white pastel.
Finally, watercolour paint was added and the artwork was glued onto our bubble frames which we made by printing with old glue sticks and white paint.
They did a fantastic job! Well done Year 2!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Kindergarten drew apples and painted them with watercolours. 
Some students draw the apple whole, others drew the apples cut in half, revealing the seeds inside. 
Once dry, the students added highlights (shiny spots!) with chalk pastel.
The apples and a strip of calico, to represent an apple basket, were glued to green or red paper.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Andy Warhol's Cats.

Andy Warhol loved cats. He had many, many cats all called Sam! Year 1 drew cats and painted them with bright watercolours.

Here are some of Andy's cats:

Here are some of Year 1's cats:

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fantasy Flowers

Students designed fantasy flowers, beautiful vases and a border using pen. Then they added watercolour paints, using a maximum of 2 colours.

Grace Cossington Smith inspired Sydney Harbour Bridge

Year 5 have been studying the work of Australian Artists who have used the Sydney Harbour Bridge in their work. One artist in particular, was Grace Cossington-Smith. Year 5 looked closely at the artist's depiction of the bridge being constructed and her misty, watercolour and pastel techniques.

The Bridge in Curve, 1926.
Year 5 created their own Sydney Harbour Bridge artworks in her style. Students had to try to imagine what Sydney would have looked like in the past.